Salem's Racial Equity Policy
Be it resolved that Salem Presbytery adopts the following policies and procedures to be added to the Manual of Salem Presbytery as the “Salem Presbytery Racial Equity Training Policy”:
Salem Presbytery, in its commitment to the Matthew 25 vision and Jesus’ command that we love as he loves us, shall offer, provide resources for, and publicize educational opportunities that focus on dismantling structural racism within our church institutions (Presbytery and congregations) and the communities we serve. Salem Presbytery shall provide annual racial equity training that is both didactic and experiential to incorporate the following elements and concepts:
The biblical and theological grounding for our call to eradicate racial and cultural discrimination in church and community life;
The histories of our church, region, and state;
Core concepts of institutionalized racism and its manifestation at the individual and societal levels;
Awareness of the impact of church policies and decisions on people of color; and
Tools and strategies to develop anti-racist behavior and culture within our church life and the larger communities the church serves.
Racial Equity Policy Training Requirements
Racial Equity training shall be required once every three years for:
Ministers of Word and Sacrament actively serving as pastors to congregations or otherwise engaged in a validated ministry within the bounds of Salem Presbytery;
Commissioned Ruling Elders actively serving a congregation;
Certified Christian Educators;
Salem Presbytery Members-At-Large; and
Presbytery Staff.
Racial Equity training is strongly encouraged for Honorably Retired Ministers of Word and Sacrament, Ruling Elders serving Salem Presbytery Committees and Task Forces or representing Salem Presbytery, Candidates for ministry under care of Salem Presbytery, members of individual Sessions and Church Staffs within the Presbytery, and any other leaders within the church.
Racial Equity Training Policy Administration and Enforcement
The Racial Equity Training Policy will be administered by the Peace and Justice Task Force. The Peace and Justice Task Force shall be responsible for the implementation of all trainings, the approval of alternate trainings, and evaluation of the efficacy and impact of trainings.
The Stated Clerk shall be responsible for ensuring that proper notation of participation is made in the permanent files for all whom training is required and notifying them of compliance deadlines.
The Executive Presbyter shall communicate non-compliance in reference checks for those who have not completed the required training, or an approved alternate, within the specified time frame.
Racial Equity Training Policy Implementation
Racial Equity training shall be provided at least once per year at a location to be determined by the size of the class.
For those unable to attend a scheduled training, an alternate training shall be permitted with the prior approval of the Peace and Justice Task Force.
Upon adoption of the Racial Equity Training Policy, all required to receive training shall have three years to complete the requisite training or approved alternate.
Those entering Salem Presbytery, whether as a Minister of Word and Sacrament, Presbytery Staff, or other designated position for whom racial equity training is required, shall complete the requisite training within one year of their date of hire/start of call.
The Racial Equity Training Policy requirements shall be written into terms of call for all who serve within the bounds of Salem Presbytery.